Thursday, 4 June 2020

words in samoan

hello I am lefine and I have been working on this google draw I really enjoyed it , it comes with a story but I'm not ready to publish it yet it comes from a story named Tautai its about a boy named langi he did not respect his name so we are doing samoan words from the story and from ourselves I am proud to show this to you


  1. Hi there Lefine.

    It's your friend Daniel from May Road School, and I like how you wrote about Samoan words and translating them like Muma means dolphin an that was pretty cool how you did it. Looking forward to seeing more blog posts. Keep it up.

    Yours Sincerely

  2. Hello there Daniel

    It is YOUR friend lefine, thank you for this comment and how I did it was the samoan dictonary book bye
