Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Summer day

Summer days

Kia ora. Today I will be showing you what kind of haiku I did for the summer learning journey. By the title its about summer days. Writing it was not that hard because I wrote what I would do in summer.  
Please enjoy.


  1. Kia Ora


    It is me Quein again from the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey. I really enjoyed this short summer poem that you have created. It was cool that you centered your poem about the summer sun. It reminds me of the kiwi summer and the importance of wearing sunblock as the sun here gets really hot in the summertime. This was a very thoughtful poem-Ka Pai!!! Having an image of the sun or a beach maybe on the next slide to support your poem would have been cool. Having said that, well done and I eagerly look forward to more fantastic posts such as this one.

    Keep up the Super work I look forward to your next blog post!!!

    Ngā mihi,

    1. Kia Ora Quein. I agree that a photo would make my slideshow really backup my slideshow. I did base it off of the hot sun because of how it was always shining.
      I will next time try to remember a photo.

      Kind Regards

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